Twitter has grown rapidly to be one of the most popular social media platforms since it was first introduced in March 2006. While Twitter’s following has increased, understanding how to use this platform has been a slow process for some. Lindsey Lohan for example famously tweeted, “Hello Facebook. Yes, this is actually Lindsey. Welcome to my Facebook page.” Sounds like someone needs to go back to rehab! Another winning tweet came from Brittney Spears who posted, “Does anyone think global warming is a good thing…” I think she’s better off sticking to lip synching, as philosophy may not be her strong point!

While these celebrities should stop being twits or tweeting, (either or), it is a great platform to increase your business engagement, as it allows you to disseminate information faster than many other social media platforms. Unfortunately, you can’t just join Twitter for business and expect to get a viral following overnight. But, I will provide you with some tips to help you grow your audience simply and easily. If you need further help with your Twitter or social media campaigns, find an expert to undertake this for you.


By following people with similar interests, you can effectively engage with their audience and pick up Twitter followers by doing so. Pay particular attention to users that have a large following, to streamline this process. Socialising with your niche audience, while time consuming, builds their trust, so they want to follow you!


The autofollow setting on Twitter allows you to instantly follow users who have added you on their following. This is a great way to grow your audience quickly, but be aware, there are a couple of issues with using the autofollow feature. For example, the users you start following with this method may not be the most credible followers. There is also a chance that you could get hacked more easily using this method of social media following.


Everyone likes having their ego stoked, especially in business! This is why linking, mentioning and retweeting others is so important. By following other users and spreading their industry related information, they will do the same for you. Social media is all about networking, and the better you get at it, the more others will help you!

For further assistance with Twitter, invest in a social media specialist, such as Ad On Digital to analyse your business and develop an effective strategy for you. To see how Ad On Digital can benefit your business, give them a call on (07) 5586 1412, or send them an email today!